Oil and Gas Regulators

Maintaining control over capital projects

Country Regulators and Energy Ministers

For oil and gas regulators, few things are more important than maintaining control over capital projects. Being able to manage development costs for state-owned energy assets developed and operated by either domestic or foreign companies is critical for continued success.

Pipeline Regulators

However, this is often easier said than done. The complexity of such work means it can be difficult to remain accountable to the plan and budget. This is due to inefficient processes and unreliable data exchange through email and other methods. Fortunately, pipeline regulators can find the control they need by taking advantage of software from RES, including the AFE Manager Regulator Edition.

Software Solutions for Energy Regulators

We bring the most advanced software platforms used for oil and gas exploration, and management. Our products include:

Where production sharing agreements and compensation occurs in countries where local and International Oil Companies (IOC) work with the country operators, AFE Manager Regulator Edition will help manage and track all spending that requires country approval.

Where countries want to have all operators follow industry best practices and standards for all well operations, RES offers TORC (based on Alberta Energy Regulator Directives). This platform ensures excellent structured data is captured, while ensuring oil and gas well health, and improving health, safety, and environmental outcomes.

Key Benefits of Our Software

This software platform provides regulators with a wide range of advantages to help them gain more control over their work. Among the many benefits of this solution are:
  • Standardized cost management processes from operators to regulators
  • Increased cost accountability to the state for operating companies
  • Full capital project management
  • Improved data flow
  • Greater accuracy for critical data
  • Higher productivity through dashboards and customizable workflow
  • Complete security, auditability and compliance

Numerous Features for Regulators

Our software is designed to ensure capital investments are put to their maximum use and benefit for the state or country. It is the only solution available today that includes the full suite of features for controlling capital spending associated with cost recovery regimes and production-sharing contracts. These include:

  • Customizable charts for accounts
  • Automated alerts and notifications for overspend, upcoming events and more
  • Bulk submission and approval capabilities
  • KPIs for regulatory approval processes

RES Solutions

Safety & Integrity
Oil and Gas Operators
National Oil Companies (NOC)
Country Regulators, Energy Ministers

Choose Resource Energy Solutions

The AFE Manager Regulator Edition is the only solution on the market built specifically for regulators who want to implement cost recovery processes and maximize capital gain. This is far from the only software platform RES offers to help companies manage their work and adhere to oil and natural gas pipeline safety regulations. Click here to learn more about our TORC and Wellman NextGen applications. When you’re ready to leverage the power of these solutions for your operations, get in touch with us to request a demo.