Calgary, Alberta: Resource Energy Solutions (RES) will be displaying its leading-edge, project and cost-management software at Expo Oil & Gas 2012 trade show in Bogota, Colombia from October 30th to November 2nd 2012. Resource Energy Solutions will be located in the Canada – Alberta Government trade pavilion, number 1025, at booth 15.
Managing capital expenditures and increasing operational efficiency will play an important role in helping the Colombian Oil and Gas industry reach its goal of 1.5 million bbl/d by 2020.
AFE Manager provides a role-based workflow system that orchestrates the administration, review, approval and tracking of capital expenditure throughout the whole expenditure life cycle. From proposal and budgeting, to variances, actual costs and close-out, AFE Manager provides a comprehensive audit trail for ensuring that capital costs are managed in accordance with established standards and business rules.
Wellman delivers a workflow environment for in-field and office users in and around well sites that minimizes errors and improves the accuracy of critical well-site information through process standardization of well reporting workflow; minimizing errors through the elimination of manual processing and information silos created by ad hoc record-keeping and spreadsheet systems.
Both products are also available through RES’ cloud-based SaaS (Software as a Service) license.
To discuss your needs or schedule a demonstration, please contact (be sure to include your full name, company and position) to secure an appointment.
We look forward to seeing you there.
For further information visit: