Wellman Nextgen: Drilling and Well Data Management Software Solution, Data Analytics, completion, Well Intervention cloud software solution

Drilling and Well Data Lifecycle Management Software

Manage all your Drilling, Completion, and Well intervention operations


thousand well drilled


million operation
reports distributed

The most

technically advanced
software in the market

Wellman activity types

Introducing the Next Generation of
Well Cost and Activity Management

Drilling and Well Lifecycle Data Management Software & Cloud Solution

Energy Industry | Green and Renewable | Oil and Gas | Geothermal | Drilling Companies

Wellman NextGen is the number one well lifecycle project, cost, operations, and data management application in the industry. This drilling and well data lifecycle management software solution provides a key reporting and cost management system that affects all aspects of your projects. Data is synched between the central office and field users. Customized reporting gives you precision that goes well beyond spreadsheets.

icon lifecycle drilling and well data management software solution

Drilling, Completions and Well Life Cycle Cost and Activity Tracking

icon industry improvement drilling and well data management software solution

Improved Cost Management and Productivity

icon data analytics for oil and gas drilling and well data management software solution

Ease of Data Accessibility from WNG Data Warehouse for Smart Analytics

Resource Energy Solutions was voted #1 in a study done by the Ziff Energy Group. According to the Ziff Study, comparing RES to competitors, Wellman NextGen oil and gas drilling software provided the cleanest well lifecycle data, best drilling and completions records, operational processes, and most efficient time and reliable costs. For use in monitoring well construction and facility management.

Wellman Nextgen: Drilling and Well Data Lifecycle Management Software


Web-based and cloud-enabled
Automate data sharing between operators, partners and service companies
Improve accuracy of critical data
Identify relevant information with data analytics and mining
Security, data integrity, and audibility (SOX/C – SOX compliant)

What Our Customers Say About Us

Empowering you with your information